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作者:李强  徐玮  谭华 
单位:南开大学社会心理学系  天津 300350 
关键词:网络游戏群体 社会认同 量表编制 


Objective: To develop the Social Identity Rating Scale for the Online Game Groups.Methods: The original items of the scale were based on the relevant scales and the interview results of the study.Item analysis,parallel analysis,exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to develop the Social Identity Rating Scale for the Online Game Groups.Results: The scale included 25 items and 5 distinct factors:Behavior Commitment,Group Identity Maintaining,In-group Favoritism,Group Psychological Belonging,and Reality Relevance.The internal consistency reliability of the scale and its factors were 0.736-0.942,the test-retest reliability was 0.913,the correlation coefficient of criterion was 0.518,confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale construction was good.Conclusion: The Social Identity Rating Scale for the Online Game Groups has good reliability and validity,and can be used as a tool for the social identity for the online game groups.


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