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作者:孙凌1  郑雅文1  王丹2 
单位:1. 北京师范大学珠海分校教育学院  珠海 519087 
 香港大学社会工作及社会行政学系  香港 999077 
关键词:自我抽离 自我意识情绪 情绪调节 尴尬 愤怒 


Objective: The present study aimed at exploring the influence of self-distancing on negative emotions. Methods: To adopt a 2(emotion:embarrassment/anger)×2(self-perspective:self-distancing/self-immersing) design in 96 undergraduate students who are divided into four groups randomly. They were asked to recall an angry or embarrassing experience for inducing emotion. Dependent variable was the difference value of emotion intensity before and after this manipulation. Results: Significant main effect of self-perspective was found. The emotional intense was significantly lower for self-distanced group, as compared to the self-immersed group. There was no significant interaction between emotion and perspective. Conclusion: A self-distanced perspective plays a role in regulating negative emotions effectively rather than a self-immersed perspective when individuals recalling past experiences.


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