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作者:范云歌  马宁  马弘 
单位:北京大学第六医院  北京大学精神卫生研究所  卫生部精神卫生学重点实验室(北京大学)  北京 100191 
关键词:同伴支持 重性精神疾病 心理机制 


Peer support is a low cost method of rehabilitation for patients with severe mental illnesses, which has a specific effect and can benefit receivers in many ways. Moreover, it meets the needs of mental illness services. This paper discussed the psychological mechanism of peer support service from the direct effect way and the mediating effect way. The direct effect way was discussed from social support and group interaction to demonstrate that peer support service can help the patients with severe mental illness integrate into society better, and improve their social function. The mediating effect way was discussed from self-efficacy, humanism and reducing social discrimination. It considered peer support service as an internal growth power to help patients improve their social function. The aim of this paper is to provide the reference of the application and promotion of peer support in patients with severe mental illnesses.


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