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作者:赵景欣  张婷  林玲玉 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250014 
关键词:农村留守儿童 隔代亲合 认知评价 抑郁 


Objective: The present study explored the mediating role of cognitive appraisals for left-behind hassles between grandparent-child cohesion and depression in children left behind by both of their rural-to-urban migrant parents compared to those with only a migrating father. Methods: 595 left-behind children were recruited to complete scales of grandparent-child cohesion, cognitive appraisals for left-behind hassles, and depression. Results: ① Grandparent-child cohesion was negatively correlated with depression. Positive cognitive appraisals were negatively correlated with depression, while negative cognitive appraisals were positively correlated with depression. ② The cognitive appraisals for left-behind hassles partially mediated the relationship between grandparent-child cohesion and depression. ③ The mediating effects of cognitive appraisals for left-behind hassles varies as the status of parent's migration. Conclusion: Grandparentchild cohesion is an important resource to reduce left-behind children's depression. Grandparent-child cohesion not only directly reduces children's depression, but also indirectly reduces children's depression by increasing the positive cognitive appraisals and decreasing the negative cognitive appraisals.


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