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作者:巢琳1  杨婉君1  李放2  郑雪1  杨程1 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理学院  广州 510631 
 四川师范大学教师教育与心理学院  成都 610101 
关键词:心理契约 组织认同感 组织公民行为 心理资本 有调节的中介 


Objective: To explore the mechanism by which how psychological contract breach affects organizational citizenship behavior. Methods: 283 employees from 13 companies in Guangzhou were recruited by the questionnaire method. Results: The results indicated that:① there was a significant negative correlation between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behavior; ② organizational identification played a partial mediating role between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behavior; ③ psychological capital moderated this mediating effect. Psychological capital moderated the effect of organizational identification on organizational citizenship behavior. Specifically, the negative effect of organizational identification reduction on organizational citizenship behavior was stronger in the employees with low level of psychological capital, compared to those with high level of psychological capital. Conclusion: Our findings suggest a moderated mediating effect of psychological contract breach on organizational citizenship behavior.


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