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作者:钟梦宇1  贺琼1  兰菁1  琚晓燕2  李晓敏1  方晓义1 
单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
 中国青年政治学院社会工作学院  北京 100089 
关键词:婚姻质量 婚姻稳定性 婚姻承诺 新婚夫妻 


Objective: Using Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, this study aimed to explore the relationship between marital quality and marital stability, and the mediating role of marital commitment in such relationship. Methods: Data was collected from 268 newlywed couples in Beijing. Results: ① The perception of husbands in marital commitment and marital stability was significantly higher than that of wives. ② The actor effect of model showed that marital stability was significantly predicted by their own marital quality. After controlling for the actor effect, the partner effect showed that husbands' marital stability was also significantly predicted by wives' marital quality. ③ There was an indirect effect of marital quality on their own marital stability through their own commitment to spouse, and there was also an indirect effect of wives' quality on husbands' stability through wives' commitment to spouse. Conclusion: Marital quality has a significant influence on marital stability, and commitment to spouse mediates this effect of marital quality on marital stability.


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