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作者:王益富1  王丽丽1  张建人2  董薇3 
单位:1. 淮阴师范学院教育科学学院  淮安 223300 
 湖南师范大学教育科学学院  长沙 410081 
 西南大学文化与发展学院  重庆 400715 
关键词:职业适应能力 职业应激 工作满意度 组织承诺 


Objective: To develop the Occupational Adaptability Scale for Employee. Methods: This study used qualitative methods to construct the dimensions of occupational adaptability, according to the structured interviews and open-ended questionnaires. Based on strict reliability and validity tests, 2 samples were selected to examine the effects of occupational adaptability on the occupational stress, work related depression, anxiety, and irritation, as well as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Results: Occupational adaptability included 5 dimensions:Corresponding with Organization, Professional Communicating, Professional Learning, Emotion Regulating and Career Transforming. The scale showed good reliability and validity. Conclusion: Occupational adaptability self-reported scale can be applied to the research of occupational psychology. Occupational adaptability has negative effects on occupational stress, work related depression, anxiety, and irritation, whereas it has positive effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment.


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