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作者:刘明亮1  程姣2  邓俏文1  黄雨嫣3  邓嘉欣1  曾红1  王孟成1 4 
单位:1. 广州大学教育学院心理系  广州 510006 
 中南大学湘雅二医院  长沙 410011 
 塔夫茨大学儿童研究与人类发展系  美国 
关键词:精神病态 反社会行为 APSD-SR 青少年 

目的:评估反社会过程筛查表自评版(Antisocial Process Screening Device Self-Report Version,APSD-SR)在我国青少年群体的适用性及心理测量学特性。方法:在两个独立的中学生样本中(N1=1067,N2=368)对APSD-SR中文版的因子结构和内部一致性信度进行检验,同时采用多个效标工具进行效标关联效度检验。结果:对APSDSR18个项目进行探索性因素分析得到一个三因子结构模型:冲动、冷酷无情和自恋。该模型在随后的验证性因素分析中得到进一步验证(χ2=402.041,df=132,RMSEA=0.070,CFI=0.859,TLI=0.837),大部分项目因子载荷在0.5以上。APSD总分及三个因子具有良好的信度,alpha系数为:0.776、0.694、0.767和0.700。同时,APSD-SR总分及冲动和自恋因子与理论相关的效标存在显著的相关,然而冷酷无情因子得分与效标的关系存在问题。结论:除冷酷无情因子外,APSD-SR在国内青少年群体中具有可以接受的心理测量学特性。

Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of Antisocial Process Screening Device Self-Report Version(APSD-SR) in adolescents. Methods: The Chinese version of APSD-SR was administeredto two samples of middle school students. Results: Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis supported a three factor solution(Impulsivity,[IMP], Callous-Unemotional[CU], and Narcissism[NAR]. But APSD-SR fit not well(χ2=402.041,df=132, RMSEA=0.070, CFI=0.859, TLI=0.837), and the loadings of most items were higher than 0.50, the lowest was 0.357. Alpha for APSD-SR total and three factor scores were 0.776, 0.694, 0.767 and 0.700, respectively. APSD-SR total score positively correlated with YPI, ICU, and RPQ, and negatively correlated with BES. Conclusion: APSD-SR is one of the most popular tool of self-report using in adolescent psychopathicout of abroad, however, it still has some shortcoming when using in Chinese population, particularly the CU factor.


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