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作者:吴国来1  王敏迪1  韩萍1 2  胡慧云1  张梦楠1 3  王长荣1  李娇花1  李海英1 
单位:1. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津 300074 
 天津市南仓中学  天津 300400 
 北京市大成学校  北京 100039 
关键词:父亲在位量表 中学生 信度 效度 

目的:修订中学生父亲在位量表,考察其在中学生中的信度和效度。方法:初稿预测152人,二稿施测702人,正式量表施测1256人,同时以父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)中的父亲情感温暖理解分量表及父子亲合问卷作为效标,3周后进行重测。结果:修订后的中学生父亲在位量表包含66个项目,3个高阶维度及8个分量表,各分量表各维度及总量表的Cronbach's α系数在0.83~0.97之间,重测信度在0.65~0.87之间,高阶维度内各分量表的相关在0.49~0.84之间,高阶维度间各分量表相关在0.07~0.56之间,验证性因素分析支持含总量表分的3个高阶维度8个分量表的模型(66-8-3-1),各量表与效标均呈显著相关。结论:中学生父亲在位量表具有良好的信效度,可以用于中学生父亲在位的研究。

Objective: To revise the Father Presence Scale and examine its reliability and validity in Chinese middle school students. Methods: The study was conducted with 152 students in the preliminary test, 702 students in the second test and 1256 students in the formal test. Item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, criterion correlation and reliability analysis were used to examine the reliability and validity. Results: The final scale included 66 items, three high-order domains and eight subscales. The Cronbach's α coefficient of the final scale was 0.96, three high-order domains were 0.97, 0.88, 0.83, and eight subscales ranged from 0.83 to 0.93. After three weeks, the test-retest reliability of 3 high-order domains in 69 subjects were 0.87, 0.70, 0.79, and eight subscales ranged from 0.65 to 0.86(0.85 for the total). The content validity of the final scale was good, and the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the data fit the entire model(66-8-3-1). The correlation coefficients of scales within 3 high-order domain were 0.49~0.84, and the correlation coefficients of scales across high-order domain were 0.07~0.56. Total scale score was significantly and positively related to the criterion variables(EMBU and the Family Adaption and Cohesion Evaluation Scales). Conclusion: The Father Presence Scale for Chinese Middle School Students has good reliability and validity and meets the needs of psychometrics, which can be used in both research and practice for Chinese students of middle schools.


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