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作者:宁宁  杨双  袁卓 
单位:苏州大学教育学院  苏州 215123 
关键词:听写困难 字形辨别 整体干扰 


Objective: By using fabricated Chinese characters, this study aimed to explore the relationship between the global structure of the Chinese characters and the ability to distinguish the components in children with spelling difficulties. Methods: Between-subjects design was used to collect data of response time and accuracy rate from a normal group with 30 children and a spelling difficult group with 30 children under the conditions of facilitation, interference and base state. Results: Spelling difficulty group had significantly lower accuracy rate than normal group. Conditions had no significant main effect on the accuracy rate, and the condition*group interactive effect was not significant either; Conditions had a significant main effect on the response time, which showed that both groups had longer response time in the obstruction condition than in the facilitation condition. Condition*group interactive effect was significant, showing that the interference effect in children with spelling difficulty was much larger than that in normal group. Conclusion: Children with spelling difficulties have normal word-shape recognition ability, but they are more prone to be affected by the global interference of wordshape.


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