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作者:叶彬  马佳瑶  王璐  洑佳玉  余华萍  胡琬琰  刘宏艳 
单位:浙江理工大学心理学系  杭州 310018 
关键词:社交焦虑 面部表情 情绪启动 喜好度评定 


Objective: To explore the automatic processing mechanism of facial expression in non-clinical social anxiety disorders. Methods: Emotional priming paradigm was adopted, using happy, contemptuous, neutral and surprised expressions as prime stimuli and neutal geometrical figures as target stimuli. The subjects were asked to rate the extent of preference to the target neutral figures based on a 7-point scale. Results: Both high and low social anxiety groups exhibited greater preference to neutral figures primed by happy faces than neutral, surprised and contemptuous faces. Compared to low social anxiety group, high social anxiety group exhibited lower preference to figures in contemptuous priming condition. Conclusion: High social anxiety disorders may be characterized by automatic attentional bias to contemptuous emotion.


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