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作者:王娟1  李昕1  陈世民2 
单位:1. 江苏师范大学教育科学学院  徐州 221116 
 中国矿业大学文法学院  徐州 221000 
关键词:母亲获得的社会支持 母亲参与教养 聋童叙事 


Objective: To investigate the impact of maternal social support on deaf children's narrative competence, and the mediating role of maternal involvement of such effect. Methods: Social Support Rating Scale, Maternal Involvement Questionnaire and narrative tasks were used to test 122 deaf children aged 4 to 6 and their mothers. Results: ① Both maternal social support and maternal involvement were positively correlated to deaf children's narrative competence. ② Maternal social support significantly predicted deaf children's narrative competence. Maternal involvement mediated the relationship between deaf children's narrative competence and maternal social support. Conclusion: Maternal social support indirectly affected deaf children's narrative competence through maternal involvement in family environment.


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