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作者:张萍1  张敏2 
单位:1. 上海应用技术学院人文学院  上海 201418 
 淮北师范大学教育学院  淮北 235000 
关键词:动机重评 代价重评 价值重评 状态感恩 干预 


Objective: To examine the effect of cognitive reappraisal intervention on the promotion of gratitude in college students and relevant physiological indexes of gratitude.Methods: By using the multi-parameter biofeedback instruments, 3 experiments including the reappraisal motive experiment for 42 college students, the reappraisal cost experiment for 40 college students and the reappraisal value experiment for 45 college students were made by imagined-experience procedure with stimulate material of scene stories.Results: After intervention of reappraisal motive, reappraisal cost and reappraisal value, ①negative mood was significantly reduced, alongside with increase of gratitude emotion(P<0.01).②BVP rate, BVP amplitude, SC and other autonomic response indexes changed significantly(P<0.01).Conclusion: State gratitude can be promoted by intervention of reappraisal motive, reappraisal cost and reappraisal value.In addition, state gratitude emotion may be related to the BVP rate, BVP amplitude, SC and other autonomic response indexes.


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