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作者:魏昶1  喻承甫2  马娜3  吴涛3  李智勇4  张卫3 
单位:1. 湖北科技学院教育学院  咸宁 437000 
 广州大学教育学院  广州 510006 
 华南师范大学心理学院  广州 510631 
 湖北师范学院教育科学学院  黄石 435002 
关键词:留守儿童 感恩 学校归属感 病理性网络游戏使用 


Objective: To explore the relationship between gratitude, school belonging, and problematic online game use in left-behind children.Methods: A total of 835 left-behind children were tested with gratitude questionnaire, school be-longing questionnaire, and problematic online game use questionnaire.Results: ①Gratitude was significantly and negatively correlated with problematic online game use;②School belonging mediated the relationship between gratitude and problematic online game use.Conclusion: These findings suggest that gratitude is an important protective factor of left-behind children's problematic online game use, and school belonging is an important mediator in this relationship.


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