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作者:余红玉1  钱铭怡2  姚泥沙2 
单位:1. 中央民族大学教育学院  北京100081 
 北京大学心理学系  北京100871 
关键词:社交焦虑 积极关注 解释偏差 注意偏向 

目的:考察积极关注对社交焦虑者的焦虑、解释偏差及注意偏向的影响。方法:借鉴认知行为治疗中记录思维日记的方法(Dysfunctional Thought Record, DTR),改良后通过一系列问题引导社交焦虑者(非临床样本)进行一个月的正性思考,引导其关注正性信息。内容包括对某一正性事件积极的想法、积极的情绪、舒适的躯体感受以及积极的行为结果。结果:一个月的积极关注训练后,社交焦虑者自我报告的焦虑水平明显改善(P <0.001);解释偏差任务中选择正负性解释的反应时均明显缩短(P <0.01);注意偏向无明显变化。结论:提示对生活琐事的积极关注可以有效改善社交焦虑者焦虑症状及解释偏差。

Objective: To explore the effects of positive training on social anxiety, interpretation and attention bias. Methods: A modified dysfunctional thought record(DTR), which was used in cognitive behavior therapy, was used for posi-tive training in a nonclinical sample of students for a month. A series of questions were asked to induce participants to think positively, including thoughts, emotions, somatosensory and behavior consequences. Results: After a month's training, the participants showed a significant decrease on self-reported anxiety(P <0.001); They also showed a significant improve on the response times both for positive and negative interpretation in the task of interpretation bias(P <0.01), but not for attention bi-as on positive information. Conclusion: The positive training might be useful in improving social anxiety and interpretation bias in socially anxious individuals on their daily life.


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