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作者:倪士光1  杨瑞东1  董蕊2  王茹婧1 
单位:1. 清华大学深圳研究生院  深圳518055 
 浙江财经大学工商管理学院  杭州310018 
关键词:学业拖延 辱虐型指导方式 冲动性 认知情绪调节 研究生 


Objective: To examine the role of impulsivity and cognitive emotion regulation on the relationship between abusive supervision and academic procrastination. Methods: 416 undergraduate students from China were assessed using Abusive Supervision Questionnaire, UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Irra-tional Procrastination Scale. Results: The results showed significant relationships between impulsivity, emotion strategy, abusive supervision and academic procrastination. Additionally, and the relationship between abusive supervision and aca-demic procrastination was mediated not only by impulsivity and emotion strategy, but also by the chain mediating effect of impulsivity and emotion strategy. Conclusion: The multiple mediation model effectively provide further evidence on the mediating effect of impulsivity and emotion strategy on the relationship between abusive supervision and academic procrasti-nation.


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