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作者:李玲1  于全磊2  张林3 2  金盛华2 
单位:1. 西北师范大学心理学院  兰州730070 
 北京师范大学北京市应用心理学重点实验室  心理学院  北京100875 
 山东中医药大学人文社科学院  济南250355 
关键词:网络成瘾 性别 学校社会处境分化 


Objective: To explore the mediation effect of social and pyschological situation in school on the relationship between gender and internet addictive. Methods: 3722 adolescents were surveyed by the internet addictive questionnaire and the social and psychological situation in school scale. Results: Boy'internet addictive score was significantly higher than girls'score; however, boys'score were significantly lower than girls'on the total score of the social and psychological situation in school, teacher's trust & support, parents'trust & support, and peer's trust & support; teacher's trust & sup-port on the relationship between gender and the parents'trust & support had full mediating effect; teacher's trust & sup-port and parents'trust & support on the relationship between gender and the internet addictive had multiple partial mediat-ing effects. Conclusion: Social and psychological situation in school medicated the relationship between gender and the in-ternet addictive.


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