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作者:王桂华  訾非  李杨 
单位:北京林业大学人文学院心理学系  北京100083 
关键词:自恋 阴性自恋 阳性自恋 信度 效度 人格障碍 


Objective: Depending on related studies on narcissism and based on the theoretical assumption of negative and positive narcissism, the Negative-Positive Narcissism Questionnaire for College Students was developed and its struc-ture and assotications with the personality disorder inclinations were examined. Methods: Study 1 developed the initiative items for the Negative-Positive Narcissism Questionnaire(NPNQ). Then explorative factor analyses and confirmative factor analysis and criterion-related validity were performed. The second study adopted the narcissism questionnaire developed in Study 1 and a personality disorder questionnaire(PDQ-4) to discover the relationship between narcissism and personality disorder inclinations. Results: The present study obtained a questionnaire consisting of 28-item, two higher-order factors. The positive factor included three sub-dimensions: desire for power, selfishness-grandioseness, and self-absorbtion. The negative factor included sensitiveness-vulnerableness, self-isolation, and dissatisfaction with others. The negative-positive narcissism was positively associated with most types of the personality disorder inclinations. With a K-means cluster analy-sis using the negative narcissism and the positive narcissism as the two variables, the sample students were able to be cate-gorized into four types: the matured type, the grandioes type, the sensitive type, and the conflict type. Conclusion: The reli-abilities and the validity features of the NPNQ meet the psychometrical requirements. The extents and the classifications of personality disorders can be understood from the perspective of negative-positive narcissism.


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