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作者:张珊明1  钟毅平2  肖丽辉2  罗伏生1 
单位:1. 中南林业科技大学心理健康教育研究中心  长沙410004 
 湖南师范大学心理系  长沙410081 
关键词:权力 启动 权力刻板印象 


Objective: To explore the influence of power priming on power stereotype. Methods: It investigated the par-ticipants'judgments on the high-power objects and the low-power objects on high-or low-power position or control condi-tion, which manipulate power by episodic priming procedure. Results: There was significant interactive effect between pow-er trait and power priming, with the low-power trait participants'score of competence and talent of low-power objects were significantly higher than high-power trait participants'score under the low-power priming; and with the low-power trait participants'score of warmth of high-power objects were significantly higher than high-power trait participants'score at the same condition. Conclusion: Power stereotype is influenced by the perceivers'power changing under given conditions, the low-power trait participants'"low-competence"stereotype of low-power objects and"low-warmth"stereotype of highpower objects all weakened when reduce their level of power.


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