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作者:方纪成1 2 3  李德民1  陈旭东4  聂彬彬2 3  刘华2 3  王静娟2 3  李静1 2 3  刘哲宁4  单保慈2 3 
单位:1. 郑州大学物理工程学院  郑州450001 
 中国科学院高能物理研究所核分析技术重点实验室  北京100049 
 北京市射线成像技术与装备工程技术研究中心  北京100049 
 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所  长沙410011 
关键词:精神分裂症 磁共振成像 基于体素的形态学分析法 早发和晚发 

目的:研究早发和晚发型精神分裂症患者灰质体积的异常,寻找精神分裂症早发和晚发影响的脑区.方法:以中南大学湘雅二医院20例正常人、20例早发和20例晚发精神分裂症患者作为研究对象,性别、年龄、受教育程度等分组信息相匹配.对获取的被试脑3D结构像做逐像素分析,采用优化的基于像素的形态学分析方法,图像分割获取脑结构的灰质体积信息,然后采用8mm高斯核进行平滑处理,对平滑后的图像进行双样本t 检验,分析早发和晚发精神分裂症患者灰质体积的异常.结果:与正常人相比,精神分裂症早发患者中央前回、梭状回、舌回等相关脑区体积萎缩,颞下回、眶内额上回、额中回前部、顶下缘角回等相关脑区体积增大;而与正常人相比,晚发精神分裂患者背外侧额上回、额中回前部等相关脑区体积增加,梭状回、枕下回、颞上回、颞中回等脑区灰质体积萎缩.结论:精神分裂症患者存在多个脑区的灰质体积异常,而且不同的脑区灰质体积的异常与精神分裂症的发病时间有关.

Objective: To study morphological abnormities in early-onset and late-onset schizophrenia, and to investi-gate the different charateristics of gray matter abnormalities between early-onset and late-onset schizophrenia patients. Methods: An experimental contrast was setup among twenty normal controls, twenty early-onset schizophrenia patients and twenty late-onset schizophrenia patients. Age, sex and years of education were well matched among three groups. Vox-el-based morphometry analysis was used to explore the morphological characteristics in three groups. Three two samplet -tests was performed to investigate the gray matter alterations in both early-onset and late-onset schizophrenia patients. Re-sults: Compared with the normal controls, it showed decreased grey matter volume in Precentral_R, Fusiform_L and Lin-gual_L, and it increased grey matter volume in Temporal_Inf_R, Frontal_Mid_Orb_L, Parietal_Inf_R, Frontal_Mid_R, Pre-central_R. compared to the normal controls, it showed decreased grey matter in Fusiform_R, Occipital_Inf_R, Tempo-ral_Pole_Sup_L, Temporal_Mid_L, Temporal_Sup_R, Occipital_Inf_R, and a increased grey matter in Frontal_Sup_Orb_L, Frontal_Mid_L. Conclusion: These findings suggest early-onset schizophrenia relate to the gray matter alterations in the fronto-pariental and fronto-temporal systems, while the late-onset schizophrenia may be related with gray matter abnormal-ities in the temporal and occipital regions.


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