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作者:何瑾1 2  樊富珉1  程化琴3  尚思源4  陶塑5 
单位:1. 清华大学心理学系  北京100875 
 北京大学学生心理健康教育与咨询中心  北京100871 
 北京大学医学部教育处  北京100191 
 北京大学心理学系  北京100871 
 中国地质大学(北京)思想政治教育学院  北京100083 
关键词:大学新生 特质希望 学习适应 希望干预 

目的:考察通过提升个体希望水平的希望干预方法改善大学新生学习适应的效果。方法:将修读相同专业课程的68名大学新生匹配为实验组(34人,有1人中途退出)和对照组(34人)。实验组被试接受连续5周,每周2.5小时的希望干预,对照组被试不接受任何处理。使用《成人特质希望量表》《大学生学习适应量表》对两组被试进行前测、后测和一个半月后的追踪测试。结果:实验组和对照组被试在前测的各指标上差异不显著。后测结果:①实验组被试在后测的特质希望水平显著高于对照组(P <0.01);②实验组被试的学习适应水平在后测和追踪均显著高于前测(Ps <0.05),实验组被试在后测(P <0.05)和追踪(P <0.01)的学习适应总分均显著高于对照组;③实验组被试在学习动机(Ps <0.05)、学习能力(P后测=0.06;P追踪<0.01)、教学模式适应(Ps <0.05)维度上的后测和追踪得分均显著(或边缘显著)高于对照组,在学习态度上只有后测得分显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。结论:希望干预能显著提升大学新生的学习适应水平,主要对学习动机、学习能力和教学模式适应有显著持久的改善效果。

Objective: The present study investigated the effectiveness of Hope intervention on the academic adaptation in university freshmen. Methods: 47 university students were randomly assigned to intervention group and control group. Adult Dispositional Hope Scale and The Academic Adaptation to College Questionnaire were measured in all subjects at three time points, before and after five-week intervention, and six-week after intervention. Results: There was no signifi-cant difference in the pre-test results between intervention group and control group. After five-week intervention, interven-tion group showed significant increase in the dispositional hope(P <0.01) and academic adaptation(P <0.05). After interven-tion, intervention group showed significantly higher score in the academic adaptation(P <0.05), study motivation(P <0.05), study ability(P =0.06), teaching model adaptation(P <0.05) and studying attitude(P <0.05) than the control group. Six weeks af-ter the intervention, the tracking test showed that intervention group still had significant higher scores in the academic adap-tation(P <0.01) study motivation(P <0.05), study ability(P <0.01) and teaching model adaptation(P <0.05) than the control group. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the hope intervention may be effective to improve academic adaptation in university freshmen, especially for study motivation, study ability and teaching model adaptation.


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