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作者:陶塑1  许燕2  袁灿灿1 
单位:1. 中国地质大学(北京)思想政治教育学院应用心理学研究所  北京100083 
 北京师范大学心理学院  北京100875 
关键词:补偿性刻板印象 刻板印象内容模型 个人公平感 社会公平感 


Objective: To explore the effect on justice perception of endowing negative characters with the rich and posi-tive characters with the poor. Methods: The activation of complementary stereotypes on different dimensions was conduct-ed by short passages, and then justice perception was measured. Results: Personal justice perception was higher in the complementary stereotypes activation condition, compared to the non-complementary condition regardless of the comple-mentary dimensions. Social justice perception was lower in non-complementary warmth condition than other conditions. Conclusion: Complementary stereotype plays a role in enhancing personal justice perception and maintaining social jus-tice perception.


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