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作者:丁佳丽  杨智辉  陈慧 
单位:北京林业大学人文社会科学学院心理学系  北京100083 
关键词:强迫 不确定性忍受力 神经质 中介 调节 

目的:考察不确定性忍受力在神经质和强迫间的中介作用和调节作用。方法:采用强迫量表修订版、不确定性忍受力量表和艾森克人格问卷对546名大学生进行测评。结果:不确定性忍受力在神经质和强迫间的部分中介效应显著, 中介效应与总效应之比为42.25%, 中介效应与直接效应之比为73.16%。交互作用项"神经质×不确定性忍受力"的回归系数在以强迫为因变量的回归方程中显著(β=0.08, t =2.17, P =0.03), 且引入交互作用项后新增解释量△R2达到显著水平(△R2=0.01, P =0.03)。结论:不确定性忍受力在神经质和强迫间起中介效应和调节效应。

Objective: To examine the mediating and moderating roles of intolerance of uncertainty on the relationships between neuroticism and OCD tendency. Methods: Totally 546 college students were selected to be assessed with Obsessive-compulsive Inventory-Revised(OCI-R), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised(EPQ-RSC) and Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale(IUS). Results: Intolerance of uncertainty partially mediated the relationships between neuroticism and OCD tendency, which accounted for 42.25% of the total variance. The interactive effects of"neuroticism × intolerance of uncertainty"on the OCD was significant(β=0.08,t =2.17,P =0.03). Conclusion: Intolerance of uncertainty plays a mediating and moderating role on the relationships between neuroticism and OCD tendency.


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