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犯罪和普通青少年的生活事件、同伴积极影响与问题行为的关系: 双重调节效应
作者:金灿灿1  邹泓2 
单位:1. 北京林业大学人文社会科学学院心理系  北京100083 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京100875 
关键词:犯罪青少年 同伴积极影响 生活事件 问题行为 调节效应 

目的: 探讨同伴积极影响在负性生活事件对青少年问题行为预测中的调节效应,并分析这一调节效应在犯罪和普通青少年两类群体中不同表现。方法: 采用结构方程模型,运用青少年生活事件核查表、同伴积极影响问卷和问题行为问卷对来自上海和昆明的561名犯罪青少年和358名普通青少年进行测量。结果: ①家庭结构和被试类型在同伴积极影响和问题行为得分上存在交互效应。②犯罪青少年和普通青少年的生活事件、同伴积极影响和问题行为间存在显著相关。③同伴积极影响可以调节生活事件对普通青少年的问题行为的影响,但对犯罪青少年却不存在相应的作用。结论: 同伴积极影响是缓冲生活事件对普通青少年的问题行为预测的重要因素,但对犯罪青少年并未起到类似作用。

Objective: To explore the moderating role of peer positive influence in the effect of stressful life events on the adolescents' problem behavior, and analyze the difference of the moderating effect between criminal juveniles and ordinary juveniles. Methods: ASLEC, Peer Positive Influence Questionnaire and Problem Behavior Scale were used to investigate 561 criminal juveniles and 358 ordinary juveniles from Shanghai and Kunming by the method of SEM. Results: ① There was a significant interactive effects between family structure and subject type on peer positive influence and problem behavior; ②There were significant correlations among stressful life events, peer positive influence and problem behavior for criminal and ordinary juveniles; ③Peer positive influence moderated the effect of life events on problem behavior of ordinary juveniles. Conclusion: Peer positive influence serves as a buffering role in the effect of life events on problem behavior of ordinary juveniles.


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