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作者:徐晟1  闫灿灿1  吴捷1  周雪梅2  吴梦瑄3 
单位:1. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津300074 
 北京师范大学出版社  北京100875 
 南开大学外国语学院  天津300071 
关键词:老年人 死亡恐惧 信度 效度 

目的: 编制老年人死亡恐惧量表,用以评估我国老年人的死亡恐惧状况。方法: 参考国外相关量表,结合中国文化的特点,并在访谈的基础上编制量表。方便选取516名老年人进行施测,通过项目分析和验证性因素分析确定量表的最终题目。另选取55名老年人间隔3周进行重测(有效50人)。采用死亡态度描绘量表修订版(DAPR)计算聚合效度和区分效度,采用Templer死亡焦虑量表(T-DAS)作为效标。结果: 最终量表共25个题目,包括身体疾病恐惧、虚无未知恐惧、影响他人恐惧和人际关系恐惧4个维度; 量表的拟合指数为: χ2/df =4.52,RMSEA=0.08,GFI=0.84,AGFI=0.81,NFI=0.94,NNFI=0.94,CFI=0.95,IFI=0.95; 各个维度以及总量表与死亡态度描绘量表的死亡恐惧维度的相关均大于与其他维度的相关; T-DAS与自编量表总分呈显著正相关(r =0.50,P <0.001),与4个维度分也均呈现正相关(r =0.34-0.56, 至少P <0.05)。总量表的Cronbach α信度,分半信度,重测信度,合成信度,RT和RΛ分别为0.92,0.88,0.87,0.95,0.42 和0.95,各维度的Cronbach α信度为0.77-0.87,分半信度为0.72-0.84,重测信度为0.78-0.86,合成信度为0.77-0.88,RT为0.36-0.47,RΛ为0.78-0.88。结论: 本研究编制的老年人死亡恐惧量表具有可接受的信效度,可供我国老年人死亡恐惧的研究和实际应用。

Objective: To develop the Fear of Death Scale for the Aged(FDA), for assessing fear of death in Chinese old man or woman. Methods: With the method of making reference to exiting foreign similar scales, and interviewing experts, the scale was constructed and tested in 516 Chinese old people. Item analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to determine the final scale. Another sample of 55 older people(50 valid) was tested and retested 3 weeks later. The convergent validity and discriminant validity were calculated with the Death Attitude Profile-Revised(DAP-R), and the criterion validity was test with the Templer's Death Anxiety Scale(T-DAS). Results: The final scale had 25 items and 4 dimensions,including fear of body and disease(BD), fear of nihility and unknown(NU), fear of influencing others(IO), and fear of interpersonal relationship(IR). Fit indexes of Confirmatory factor analysis were: χ2/df =4.52, RMSEA=0.08, GFI=0.84, AGFI=0.81, NFI=0.94, NNFI=0.94, CFI=0.95, IFI=0.95. The correlation between each dimension of FDSSC and the dimension of fear of death in DAP-R was greater than the correlation between each dimension of FDA and the other dimensions of DAP-R. The T-DAS total score was positively correlated with total score of FDA(r =0.50,P <0.001) and each dimension of FDA(range 0.34-0.56,Ps <0.05). Cronbach α of the whole scale was 0.92, and range 0.77-0.87 for each dimension; split-half reliability of the whole scale was 0.88, and range 0.72-0.84 for each dimension; the test-retest reliability was 0.87, and range 0.78- 0.86 for each dimension; composite reliability of the whole scale was 0.95, and range 0.77-0.88 for each dimension; RT of the whole scale was 0.42, and ranged 0.36-0.47 for each dimension; RΛ of the whole scale was 0.95, and ranged 0.78-0.88 for each dimension. Conclusion: It suggests that the FDA has acceptable reliability and validity, and could be used for relevant research and applications on fear of death for the aged.


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