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作者:曹素霞1  李恒芬2 3  张勇2  李幼辉1 
单位:1. 郑州大学第一附属医院 河南郑州450052 
 中南大学湘雅二院精研所 湖南长沙410011 
 河南省精神病院 河南新乡453002 
关键词:焦虑障碍 个性倾向 特质焦虑 自我效能感 


Objective:To explore the relationships of personality characteristics,Anxiety trait,and general self-efficacy?with anxiety disorders.Methods:By case-matched study,144 patients with anxiety disorders and 144 normal controls?were administered the Emotional Problems Factor of Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory II(CPAI2-E),State-Trait?Anxiety Inventory and General Self-efficacy Scale.Results:①The scores of patients with anxiety disorders were higher?than those of the normal controls in CPAI2-E(P<0.01).②The scores of the patients were higher than those of the controls?in Trait Anxiety(P<0.01),but those of the patients were lower than the controls in General Self-efficacy(P<0.01).③The?study showed there were close correlation between state anxiety and personality tendency of CPAI2-E,and trait anxiety?but negative correlation with general perceived self-efficacy(P<0.01).④Multi regressive analysis found anxiety factor and?trait anxiety were major influential factors of anxiety.Conclusion:The interaction among all factors were the basis of personality?psycho-pathogenesy of anxiety disorders,and trait anxiety and anxiety factor were more closely related to anxiety.


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