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作者:邵阳1  谢斌1  乔屹1  黄乐萍2 
单位:1. 上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心  上海 200030 
 上海市虹口区精神卫生中心  上海 200083 
关键词:青少年 暴力 状态-特质愤怒 教养方式 


Objective: To study the effects of family environment and parental rearing styles on the personality of young violent offenders. Methods: Sixty two young male violent offenders, 55 young male nonviolent offenders and 100 normal controls were assessed with State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory for children and adolescent (STAEI-CA) and Egma Minnen av Bardndosna Uppforstran (EMBU). Results: Violent young offenders have significantly higher scores in Trait anger, State anger, Anger out and a much low score in Anger control scores in comparison with those non-violent offenders and normal controls. The parents of violent offenders gave them less warm care but more refusal and denial. There was significant correlation of the state -trait anger of young violent offenders to their parental rearing styles . Conclusion: Young offenders, especially violent offenders have higher level of state -trait anger and defect in anger control and expression . Parental unfavorable rearing styles may play an important role in these characters .


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