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作者:曹婧媛1  傅文青2  吴鹏飞1  陈旦丹1  姚雷1  安永博1  陈竹2 
单位:1. 苏州大学附属第一医院  江苏 苏州 215006 
 苏州大学医学部临床心理学研究所  江苏 苏州 215123 
关键词:SCL-90-R 常模 江苏 


Objective:To establish Symptom Check List 90 Revised(SCL-90-R)norm of common adults of Jiangsu province by surveying 786 people aged between 18 and 60 sampled at random.Methods:SCL-90-R was used for subjects using questionnaire method with standardized test.Then statistical analysis of the acquired valid data was carried out.Results:All scores of factors in SCL-90-R were strikingly higher than those of the norm of 1986 except the scores of interpersonal sensitivity factor in this sample(P<0.001).The amount of factors showing differences between male and female are decreasing.Compared with the norm of 1986,the contrast among different age groups had some change.The scores of somatization,obsessive compulsive,interpersonal sensitivity,depression,photic anxiety were the highest in the group of education level of elementary school and below.Conclusion:The norm of 1986 has lost its reference value and it's necessary to establish a novel reference standard of the SCL-90-R in common adults of Jiangsu province.


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