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作者:徐洁1  陈顺森2  张日昇3  常美玲1 
单位:1. 北京化工大学文法学院心理健康教育研究中心  北京100029 
 漳州师范学院应用心理研究所  福建漳州363000 
关键词:复杂哀伤 诊断 预防 干预 


Complicated grief has had 20 years’ research history abroad that involved the concept,diagnostic criteriaand treatment of complicated grief.At present,complicated grief has got uniform concept,same diagnostic criteria and specializedtreatment.Domestic research and practice in the field of clinical psychology has little research and professionalpractice work.Chinese clinical psychology researchers should,making use of foreign experience,develop the diagnosticcriteria,prevention and intervention of complicated grief under our Chinese culture background on this basis.


[1] Boelen PA,van den Bout.Complicated grief and uncomplicatedgrief are distinguishable constructs.Psychiatry Re-search,2008,157:311-314;
[2] Maercker A,Znoj H.The younger sibling of PTSD:Similaritiesand differences between complicated grief and posttraumaticstress disorder.European Journal of Psychotraumatology,2010,1:1-10;
[3] Prigerson HG,Maciejewski PK.A call for sound empiricaltesting and evaluation of criteria for complicated grief proposedby the DSM V.Omega,2006,52:9-19;
[4] Schut H,Stroebe MS.Interventions to enhance adaptation tobereavement.Journal of Palliative Medicine,2005,8:140-147;
[5] Forstmeier S,Maercker A.Comparison of two diagnostic systemsfor complicated grief.Journal of Affective Disorders,2007,99:203-211;
[6] Hogan NS,Greenfield DB,et al.Development and validationof the Hogan grief reaction checklist.Death Studies,2001,25(1):1-32;
[7] Prigerson HG,Horowitz MJ,et al.Prolonged grief disorder:Psychometric validation of criteria proposed for DSM-V andICD-11.PLoS Medicine,2009,6(8):e1000121;
[8] Shear K,MSW EM.Complicated grief.Psychiatric Annals,2008,38(10):662-669;
[9] Shear K,Frank E,Houch PR,et al.Treatment of complicatedgrief:A randomized controlled trial.Journal of theAmerican Medical Association,2005,293:2601-2608;
[10] Shear K,Shair H.Attachment,loss,and complicated grief.Developmental Psychobiology,2005,47:253-267;
[11] Bonanno GA,Markowitz JT,Papa A,et al.Resilience toloss in bereaved spouses,bereaved parents,and bereavedgay men.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2005,88:827-843;
[12] Neimeyer RA,Currier JM.Grief therapy:Evidence of efficacyand emerging directions.Current Directions in PsychologicalScience,2009,18:352-356;
[13] De Groot M,Keijser J,Neelman J,et al.Cognitive behaviortherapy to prevent complicated grief among relatives andspouses bereaved by suicide:Cluster randomized controlledtrial.British Medical Journal,2007,334:994-999;
[14] Wagner B,Knaevelsrud C,Maercker A.Internet-basedcognitive-behavioral therapy for complicated grief:A randomizedcontrolled trial.Death Studies,2006,30:429-453;
[15] Boelen PA,Keijser J,van den Hout MA,et al.Treatment ofcomplicated grief:A comparison between cognitive-behavioraltherapy and supportive counseling.Journal of Consultingand Clinical Psychology,2007,75:277-284;
[16] Boelen PA,van den Bout J,van den Hout MA.A cognitive-behavioral conceptualization of complicated grief.ClinicalPsychology:Science and Practice,2006,13:109-128;
[17] Drenth CM,Herbst GA.A complicated grief interventionmodel.Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences,2010,15(1):1-8;
[18] Ogrodniczuk JS,E Piper W,McCallum M,et al.Interpersonalpredictors of group therapy outcome for complicatedgrief.International Journal of Group Psychotherapy,2002,52(4):511


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