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作者:王婷1 2  张腾霄1 2  韩布新1 
单位:1. 中科院心理所心理健康院重点实验室老年心理研究中心  北京 100101 
 中国科学院研究生院  北京 100039 
关键词:汶川地震灾区 心理健康状况 老年灾民 追踪研究 


Objective: To explore mental health status of the elder adults in serious seismic areas 10 months after Wenchuan earthquake.Methods: In a follow-up study,146 elder adults living in shelter houses in Beichuan were administered two scales,Chinese Mental Health Inventory-Elderly and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised.Results: The score of mental health of the aging victims at the 4th month post-earthquake was lower than that at the 4th month pre-earthquake,and there was no level difference between the 4th month and the 10th month after the disaster,so were the scale scores of post-traumatic stress disorder.Conclusion: The elder adults' mental health status has no change with the extension of time nearly one year after the serious disaster.


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