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作者:朱敏捷  肖世富  李霞  王涛  钱时兴  王海红 
单位:上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心  上海 200030 
关键词:GPCOG 痴呆 信度 效度 

目的:评价全科医生认知功能评估量表-The General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition(GPCOG)的中文译本的信度和效度。方法:对263名社区健康老人和住院及门诊老年患者进行GPCOG评定,两周后对随机抽取的31人进行重测,评估GPCOG的中文译本的信度及效度。结果:GPCOG患者评估部分的Cronbach'α系数是0.682,GPCOG患者部分各条目与总分的相关系数为0.499-0.940,各条目间的相关系数为0.408-0.610,各条目及总分的先后两次测定的相关系数为0.855-0.981。GPCOG灵敏度98.08%,特异度91.94%。GPCOG患者部分总分和知情者部分总分与ADL总分呈负相关(P<0.01)。GPCOG患者部分的ROC曲线下面积(AUC)为0.983。结论:GPCOG具有良好的信度和效度,值得在我国综合医院和社区医院及初级护理机构推广应用。

Objective: To evaluate the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of GPCOG.Methods: 263 subjects of community elderly and inpatient and outpatient elderly were rated with GPCOG.31 subjects were retested after two weeks,and the validity and reliability of GPCOG were examined.Results: The Cronbach'α coefficient of the patient portion of GPCOG was 0.682.The correlation coefficient of every item of the patient portion of GPCOG and total score was 0.499-0.940.The correlation coefficient of every item was 0.408-0.610.The test-tested coefficient was 0.855-0.981.The sensitivity of GPCOG was 98.08% and specificity was 91.94%.The total score of the patient portion and information portion were correlated to the score of ADL(P<0.01),and the area under the curve(AUC) was 0.983.Conclusion: With satisfactory reliability and validity,GPCOG can be applied to the general hospital,community hospital and primary care.


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