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作者:戴柔儿  贾晓明 
单位:北京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 北京 100081 
关键词:寄养 儿童 分离与个体化 个案研究 


Objective: To explore the Separation-Individuation development of children who were fostered by kins.Methods: Have in-depth interviews with 4 children adopted by typical and convenient sampling,the interviews were recorded and then transcribed and analyzed by the method of holistic content analysis.Results: ①Children who were fostered by kins during the first separation-individuation would face two different situations: no development or similar development with those who cared by parents.②Children who lived a life between own family and the foster family need to complete particular psychological task: to maintain the connection with their parents,to form emotional connection with the kins,also to find a balance between them.③Adolescence Separation-Individuation development of children who were fostered by kins would delay possibly.Conclusion: To children who were fostered by kins,forming the attachment relationship with caregivers is the basis of separation-individuation development,and getting through the crisis of reunion is a prerequisite to Separation-Individuation further development.


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