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作者:张娥  訾非 
单位:北京林业大学人文学院心理系 北京 100083 
关键词:父母关系感知 问卷编制 安全感 特质焦虑 


Objective: To develop a questionnaire to measure the perceived inter-parental relationship and to explore its structure and relationship with security and trait anxiety.Methods: The study conducted the pre-test and test for assessing the construct validity of the scale by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis in 477 Chinese university students.Results: There were three components that could explain 63.0% of the total variance.They were named perceived negative inter-parental relationship,perceived positive inter-parental relationship,and hopelessness of inter-parental relationship.The questionnaire had GFI 0.86,AGFI 0.82,CFI 0.92,and RMSEA 0.065 by CFA.The questionnaire had good internal consistent reliability and test-retest reliability.The perceived inter-parental relationship could be divided into three styles,and each style had significant effects on security and trait anxiety.The perceived negative inter-parental relationship and positive inter-parental relationship could significantly predict security and trait anxiety.Conclusion: The questionnaire of perceived inter-parental relationship in Chinese university students has satisfactory psychometric characteristics and is suitable for clinical use.Perceived inter-parental relationship has important effects on security and trait anxiety.


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