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作者:于宏华1  孙春云1  刘华清1  傅文青2  曹文胜1 
单位:1. 北京回龙观医院  北京 100096 
 苏州大学医学部临床心理研究所  江苏苏州 215123 
关键词:强迫障碍 共病 人格障碍 心理防御方式 


Objective: To investigate the defense mechanisms of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and those comorbid with personality disorders. Methods: DSM-IV was administrated to subjects to diagnose 35 OCD, PDQ+4(Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire)and PDI-IV(Personality Disorder Interview) were then administrated to 35 OCD subjects to determine whether they also suffered from personality disorders. DSQ(Defense style Questionnaire) was administrated to estimate the defense mechanisms of all patients. Results: 22 of the 35 (62.9%) OCD patients met DSM-IV criteria for personality disorders. OCD patients who suffered from personality disorder significantly used more immature and neurotic defense mechanisms, and less mature mechanisms. While pure OCD patients only use less mature defense mechanisms.Conclusion: The patients who comorbid personality disorders use more immature and neurotic defense mechanisms and less mature mechanisms, while the pure OCD patients only use less mature defense mechanisms.


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