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作者:杜巍1 2  高红丽1  闫春平1  杨世昌1 
单位:1. 新乡医学院心理学系  河南新乡 453003 
 大庆师范学院教育科学学院教育心理教学部  黑龙江大庆 163712 
关键词:注意偏向 人格类型 返回抑制 干扰抑制 注意警觉 

目的: 探析不同人格类型群体在情绪信息加工过程中的特点。方法: 采用线索-靶子范式,分析注意偏向机制中的干扰抑制、返回抑制两个方面;采用艾森克人格量表(EPQ-A),从某全日制大学本科二年级学生758人中,按EPQ中神经质和内外向两个维度的标准分高、低各12.5%选出四种典型人格类型各15名为研究对象,探析四组被试的注意偏向特征。结果: 当靶子和线索出现的时间差为1000ms时,四组被试对三类情绪图片均存在返回抑制效应;图片性质主效应显著(F=1.30,P<0.05)、四组人格类型之间差异不显著(F=0.65,P>0.05)。负性图片与正性图片的返回抑制效应差异显著(F=1.71,P<0.05),反应时方差分析结果显示组别与图片性质交互作用显著(F=1.62,P<0.05)。外倾人格特质组对正性图片产生了注意警觉,四组被试对正性、负性刺激都存在注意解除困难。结论: 正常人群对情绪性刺激具有选择性加工趋势,外倾个体更偏好加工正性刺激,内向不稳定组对负性刺激更为敏感。

Objective: To study the features of typical personality traits in cognitive processing. Methods: According to the interference surpression, inhibition of return and the consciousness from the mechanism of attentional bias, using Clues-Target Model to expore the characteristics of attention bias about typical personality traits in normal population. 758 undergrateduate sophomores were estimated by Eysenck Personality Questionaire of Adults (EPQ-A). Depending on neuroticism and extra-introversion of EPQ, divided the subjects into four groups, incluing outward stability(n=15), outward instability(n=15), inward stablility(n=15) and inward instablility(n=15). Results: In the Clues-Target Task, when time difference is 1000ms, for three types of emotional pictures, all subjects have the effects of inhibition of return; there were significant difference in the main effects of image properties(F=1.30, P<0.05); no significant difference in different personality traits (F=0.65, P>0.05). Statistically remarkable was found between negative pictures and positive pictures of inhibition effects(F=1.71, P<0.05). The group which have extraversion personality trait produced attention alert on positive pictures.For positive and negative stimulus, all subjects were present the difficulty about the relieve of attention.


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