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作者:马惠霞1  刘美廷1  张非易2 
单位:1. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院 天津300074 
 北京林业大学人文学院 北京100083 
关键词:高一学生 学科学业自我概念 学业情绪 理性情绪教育 干预研究 


Objective: To study the effect on academic emotions of high-school students by rational-emotive educational mode. Methods: We investigated 343 students from grade 7, 8 and 10, in one school, using the Academic Selfconcept of General Subjects Questionnaire and the Adolescents Academic Emotions Questionnaire. In a random choosing of two non-differential classes from grade 10, one class (57 students) was made to be the experimental group, and another one (52 students) to be the control group. Then the experimental group accepted rational -emotive education for eight weeks. Results: After the intervention, hope of the experimental group was obviously higher in the positive-high arousal academic emotions and tired and dismay lower in the negative-low arousal academic emotions. Besides, distinct differences were found between the pre-test and post-test of experimental group in both the negative-high arousal academic emotions (anxiety, shame and anger) and negative-low arousal academic emotions. Conclusion: The rational-emotive educational mode is effective in increasing the positive academic emotions and reducing the negative academic emotions of the high-school students. At the same time, the academic self-concept of subjects is advanced.


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