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作者:卢永彪  吴文峰 
单位:湖南科技大学教育学院 湘潭 411201 


Objective: By investigating grade 4 to 6 students with Children' s Hassles Scale(CHAS), Children' s Depression Inventory (CDI), Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC), to explore the role of children' s self-perception on the relationship of stress and depression. Methods: In the initial test, 833 students were investigated by CHAS, CDI, and CHAS, in the 3 times follow-up tests, CHAS and CDI were used to investigate all subjects. Results: The 6 aspects of children' s self-perception: academic, social communication, sports, appearance, behaviors, and global perception had signifi- cantly negative relationship with stress and depression. The multilevel linear model analysis showed that the interaction of the 6 aspects of self-perception with stress couldn' t significantly predict the change of children' s depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Children' s self-perception might been affected by the stress events; at the same time, it may affect depression. However, the children' s self-perception couldn' t significantly moderate the relationship of stress and depression.


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