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作者:黄淑慧1  姚萍1  陈悦1  陈怡廷1  甘怡群1  潘博2  蒋海越2 
单位:1 北京大学心理学系 北京 100871 
 中国医学科学院整形外科医院 北京 100144 


Objective: To develop a resilience scale for adolescents with body surface defects and evaluate its psycho metric properties. Methods: Study 1 focused on scale development. The content of the 140-item preliminary scale was drawn from a number of sources including reviewing literatures and interviewing patients. Then the primary inventory was conducted among a group of 181 adolescent patients with microtia, and the scale length was refined to 31 items via item discriminant analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Study 2 consisted of confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and va lidity analysis with a sample of 234 adolescent patients with microtia. Results: Study 1 provided exploratory evidence for the 6-factor structure: acceptance of defects, emotion regulation, adaptability, self-efficacy, external support and frustra tion coping. Item-factor loadings ranged from 0.38 to 0.78. Evidence for construct validity was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency coefficient of overall scale was 0.89 with all six subscales above 0.60. External validity indexes included correlation coefficients of 0.64 and 0.39 with Resilience Scale for Chinese Adolescents and MeaningFocused Coping Scale respectively. Conclusion: The Scale shows good psychometric properties and is suitable for the as sessment of resilience for adolescents with body surface defects.


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