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作者:李波1  李欣欣1  马长燕2 
单位:1 北京理工大学社会工作及心理学系 北京 100089 
 首都师范大学初等教育学院 北京 100048 


Objective: To test the effectiveness of mindfulnessbased group training on employees' sleep quality, coping styles and vocational delay of gratification.Methods: 17 participants were randomly assigned to experimental group and waitinglist group.The experimental participants took part in an 8week mindfulnessbased group training.Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale(MAAS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale(PSQS), Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire(SCSQ, including Positive Coping Style (PCS) and Negative Coping Style (NCS)) and Occupational Delay Gratification Scale (ODGS) were used in pretest, posttest and a 3months interval followup test.Results: There were no difference in the scores of pretest; in posttest, there were significant improvement in PCS and ODGS.In followup test, there were significant better results in the experiment group than the waitinglist group.There was significant improvement in MAAS followup test than in pre and posttest ( χ2=13.613, P<0.01), and also significant change in PSQS, PCS, NCS and ODGS.Conclusion: There are positive changes in employees' condition after mindfulness based training.Mindfulness based training is a prospective intervention approach for promoting employees' physical and mental health.Further verification of its effectiveness and intervention pattern are needed.


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