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作者:李瑶1 2  余苗1  张妩1  钱铭怡1 
单位:1 北京大学心理系 北京 100871 
 山西大学教育科学学院 太原 030006 

目的:探查孤独感儿童的社会认知偏差,为孤独感儿童的认知干预提供指导。方法 :依儿童孤独量表(Chil鄄dren's Loneliness Scale,CLS)得分将131名儿童分为孤独感高分组和低分组,进一步让被试填写自编社会认知偏差情景问卷,比较高低孤独感儿童的社会认知偏差。结果:①孤独感高分组儿童更倾向于对负性情境进行指向自我和他人的稳定的归因,低分组儿童倾向进行他人不稳定的归因;②高分组更难以向拒绝者求助,更多考虑采取退缩、回避社会交往情境的行为;③高分组更倾向于对情景做消极结果预期,而较少做积极结果预期。结论:与低分组儿童相比,孤独感高分组儿童更倾向于做负性归因、决定采取回避反应以及对情境结果做消极预期。

Objective: To explore social cognitive biases among lonely proneness children.Methods: 131 pupils were assigned into two groups according to their scores of Children' s Loneliness Scale(CLS).They were then surveyed by situational questionnaire made by authors to study social cognitive biases among these two groups.Results: ①Lonely children were prone to make stable attributions to themselves and others in negative situation, while normal children were more likely to make unstable attributions to others.②In the aspects of responses construction to the negative situation, it was hard for the lonely proneness children to ask for help from people who had refused them before, and they tended to exhibit withdrawal behaviors.③The lonely proneness children were prone to expect more negative results and less positive results in the negative situations.Conclusion: Compared with normal children, lonely proneness children are more prone to make negative attributions, decide to withdraw from social interaction and expect negative results in negative situations.In other words, lonely children have obvious social cognitive biases.


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