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作者:钟毅平1  张珊明1 2  陈芸1 
单位:1 湖南师范大学心理系 长沙 410081 
 中南林业科技大学心理健康教育研究中心 长沙 410004 


Objective: To explore the differences of interpersonal sensitivity between highpower people and lowpower people in two experimental conditions.Methods: In Experiment, 1,206 college participants in either a high or lowpower position or control condition interacted; In Experiment 2, 91 enterprise employees was measured by empathic accuracy paradigm.Results: In Experiment 1, A 3(leaders, control vs.assistants)×2(male vs.female) ANOVA yielded a significant main effect on interpersonal sensitivity, with high power people more interpersonally sensitive than low power people.There was no significant gender main effect, and no significant interaction effect.In Experiment 2, A 2 (highpower vs.lowpower)×2(male vs.female)×2(highpersonal sense of power vs.low personal sense of power) ANOVA showed a significant main effect on interpersonal sensitivity, with high power people more interpersonally sensitive than low power people.There was edge significant interaction effect between power and personal sense of power.Conclusion: Highpower individuals are more interpersonally sensitive than lowpower individuals in the roleplaying and in real life.


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