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作者:王硕1  周雅2  刘翔平1  Aaron L.Pincus3 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院 北京 100875 
 香港中文大学教育心理系 香港 
 Department of Psychology The Pennsylvania State University  University Park PA 16802 USA 
关键词:人际环形模型 心理病理 人际病理可塑性 人际情境 


The released DSM-5 has highlighted the crucial role of interpersonal functioning in the pathology of personality disorder.Contemporary interpersonal theory hase been developed into an extensively-validated model for conceptualizing and evaluating interpersonal functioning, namely Interpersonal Circumplex(IPC).The IPC relies on two meta-concepts in human behaviors labeled as"agency"and"communion"to reflect individual differences across a host of interpersonal constructs.A variety of concepts have been derived from the IPC, including static interpersonal themes and dynamic interpersonal interactions.Over the last decade, the IPC and related concepts have been gradually integrated into the studies of psychopathology and psychotherapy, to explore the relationship of interpersonal functioning with the dynamic mechanism,phenotypic expression, assessment and treatment of psychological or personality disorders.Further research should try to develop new interpersonal dynamics assessment methods, and take into account the influence of culture differences on the link between interpersonal functioning and psychopathology.


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[30] Russell JJ, Moskowitz DS, Zuroff DC, et al. Stability and variability of affective experience and interpersonal behavior in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 2007, ll6: 578-588.
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[36] Pincus AL, Sadler P, Woody E, et al. Assessing interpersonal dynamics. In Hopwood CJ, Bornstein RF. Multi-method clinical assessment. Guilford Press: New York, NY, in press.
[37] Wu L, Roche MJ, Dowgwillo EA, et al. A Chinese Translation of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems—Short Cir-cumplex. Journal of Personality Assessment, in press.


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