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作者:项锦晶1  申荷永2 
单位:1 北京林业大学人文社会科学学院 北京 100083 
 华南师范大学心理学院 广州 510631 
关键词:恋物 同性倾向 沙盘游戏 个案研究 


Objective:To explore the developments in sandplay therapy process and the characteristics of sandtray pic tures of one homosexual fetishism case. Methods:This case received Sandplay therapy for one and half years. Results: Af ter Sandplay therapy, ①on the themes of sandplay, the wounded themes became less and the healing themes increased. The theme of death represented in the early phase, transformation theme of initiation of passage in the middle and new birth theme in the late. ②most dimension scores of SCL-90 and PDQ4+ scale became below the clinical threshold. ③coping style changed from stealing shoes into a creative way of asking for interpersonal assistance. The interpersonal attitude tran sited from doubt and isolation to trust, asking help from his classmates. Conclusion: This case revealed his wounded expe rience and got the meaning of his symptom through the sandplay therapy. As a result, he improved his interpersonal compe tence and social function.


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