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作者:何丽1  唐信峰2  朱志勇3  王建平1 4 
单位:1 北京师范大学心理学院 北京 100875 
 北京理工大学人文与社会科学学院 北京 100081 
 北京师范大学教育学部 北京 100875 
 首都医科大学 北京 100088 
关键词:失独父母 哀伤 丧亲 哀伤反应 质性研究 


Objective:To explore grief reactions of the parents who lost their single child(“Shidu” parents in Chinese) in China. Methods:Four parents from Beijing who experienced the death of their single child participated the study. Data was collected by deep interviews and objects collection, and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results:Grief reactions were separated into the following four aspects: ①Emotional reactions, including missing/yearning, loneliness, regret/guilt, helplessness/hopelessness, pity, fear of festival, empty, anxiety, shocked, and pain. ②Cognitive reactions, including disbe lief, injustice, hallucinations, intrusive thoughts, rumination, self-deprecation, suicidal ideation. ③Behavioral reactions, in cluding crying, social withdrawal, avoidance of reminders of the deceased, arrangeand keepthe belongings of the deceased. ④Physical reactions, including fatigue, sleeping disturbance, dreams of the deceased. Conclusion:“Shidu” parents experi enced great pain after loss; Grief reactions of“Shidu” parents showeduniversal and unique characteristics.


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